To design a butterworth low-pass filter:
If using a Sallen-Key topology:
Use svgfig library to do manipulations has serious problems.
- Doesn’t read .gafrc to find the sym directory
- Needs rework to support multiple LIBPATH directories
- Clips part of the output image
- Just doesn’t look right
However, sch2svg does preserve as much structure as possible
gs has problems:
- convert with ‘gs -sDEVICE=svg -sOutputFile=foo.svg bar.eps
- gs always renders the text as lines
- gs produces large output files
pstoedit to .sk and then skconvert to svg has problems:
- It always splits text strings into individual characters, even for monospaced fonts. The man page says this will only happen if you use -pti or -pta , but it always happens.
- It also does this for the .fig output
- It also does this for the .dxf output
- the ps2ai output is not recognized as .ai by uniconvertor
pstoedit to .svg has problems.
- it’s nonfree and only available for i386
inkscape has problems:
- it calls pstoedit to import eps files
uniconvertor has problems:
- while it claims to support eps, it appears to only read adobe illustrator output.
To capture screen with, use these settings: clipping: 1250x980+330+95 has been recently released. It probably will work better than .